An Introduction

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a year or more, as I have had the desire to write about things that matter to me, explore things I am learning more deeply by writing about them, and share things that might be useful to others.

Just this year, I developed a habit of writing in a personal journal most weekdays, usually in the early part of the morning while the house is still quiet and I am preparing for the day’s activities. It seems most likely that blog posts will come out of the things I write about in my journal. I don’t know how often I will add a new blog post, but I do hope to continue journaling as I am now: it is incredibly helpful as a way to find solutions by exploring challenges that come along regularly in this busy life of raising children, being a wife, making a home, and leading our family’s educational pursuits. In combination with my prayer life and the time I spend reading my Bible (our family’s most central classic), I find that the pondering required to turn my thoughts into words for my journal (along with my faith that there are answers to my questions and that God is present and active in my life) helps me to slow down enough to see things more clearly and perceive the next right thing to do.

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